Final Score
Ztec vs. Trojans 11-0
Innebandy vs. Fireants 3-8Tonight Ztec again went about their duty to seal their place as no. 2 in the division. Clinical as it was it also looked very comical as they obviously weren't playing at full tilt. Many mistakes that should've been converted into points. Having said that, the Trojans who only played with 6 people showed extreme courage, determination and endurance. Wave after wave the attacks came but they stood steadfast to the end and played with all their heart. To them I take my hat off for their valiant effort and true show of sportsmanship.
So by now you've also found out that if you had followed my predictions you'd have lost lots of money big time.
Tonight the Fireants rose to the challenge, and of course when there is a rise there is also a fall and fall hard they did, Inne. It wasn't meant to be their nite. Unforced error after unforced error, they just could do no right tonight. With mistakes flowing freely the inevitable had to follow. To them it was like a bad April Fool's joke gone really wrong.
The Fireants were out to prove dominance from the get go and within just 2 secs of the face off they scored and sent massive shock waves thru Inne's camp. Blow by blow they meticulously chipped away at Inne's armour and no amount of magic spells could've made the difference tonight. It was just meant to be the Fireants time to shine. For them the spell has been broken and the years of prospecting has not proved to be in vain. They've finally struck gold!! Shouts of jubilation rang thru the arena as the final whistle was blown (twice for that matter). For them they had just made history for themselves.
Inne's loss tonight to the Fireants has sparked a flame in the hearts of the Spartans who play their final game against the Hawks this Saturday. If they can win the game, they'll steal 2nd place from Inne. What a greater blow that would be for them.
To the newly crowned Champions of Div. 1, we congratulate you!! Well done, you've completed your race. To the fallen......yes defeat sucks and hurts like hell, but so goes life......pick yourselves up off the dirt and dust yourselves off.....there's always next year to try again.
Next year we look forward to joining the ranks of the "elite" so to speak and hopefully give everyone a run for their money. Look out the Eagles are swooping in!!!!