Everyone must be wondering......."boy what a joker this guy is, from weekly blogs to suddenly completely nothing." The truth is I've had my password set to auto start on my computer and when it crashed I for the life of me couldn't remember what it was until yesterday when I was rummaging thru all my junk in my office........lo and behold, I come across a piece of paper that I had scribbled on. There it was, the site name, password and e-mail link. I tried it and sure enough, were back in business.
I was looking at the last posting and nearly a whole year has gone by........10 months just short of two days. Thankfully that won't happen again. There's so many other blogs out there I was thinking that I should just discontinue this one at first but then again this is our Dalat blog and our opinion does matter. We're a minority group here on the island but we're still a voice.
Like I said earlier, we're back and if you'd like to drop us a line or story feel free to e-mail us or chat with us.
By the way, the borakborakfloorball guys have started updating scores from the APAC 2009 in Korea, so drop by their site from time to time to catch some of the game updates.
Malaysia didn't fare so well in their first game against Japan, 14-1. We haven't seen that sort of a score line since the 2004 WFC in Spain. But we still want to remember them as they represent our country and encourage them to hold their heads up high and fight even harder as they represent us. ALL THE BEST BOYS!!!